Traumatic is a phenomena which is unknown its beginning. This behavior appears due to communication problems. This mistake happens because there are competence differences among people and the differences of their jobs. Traumatic commonly can be identified with strange behavior and the hidden reason appearance from what they have done. It can appear with any explanation or not. This attitude happens to everyone when there is something influencing him/her to do it. For example, because his friend betrayed him, Joel felt disappointed. Then it make him don’t believe with other easily. But, not all traumatic gives bad impacts. There are also positive impacts for some people. We have an example. Every week, we get some assignments in our lecture. We have to collect them in the previous day before the lecture. Initially, it stressed us. Then we get positive influence from that activity. We study more diligent than before. We must have strategy to divide our time to do all of our tasks.
In political view, traumatic is known with the term authorities. This word can’t be explained more detail again. But, traumatic is called accident in philosophical view. An accident is an impact from something which exists. Truly those three words have the same meaning, however their applications are in different zones. Traumatic can be solved by communication. The communication will make the misunderstanding doesn’t occur again.
In communication, there are three elements. They are sender, receiver and constraint. Those elements are in contact to appear giving-receiving activity. In hermeneutics, communication is called spiral dynamic. Communication is flexible and contextual. There is a reality appearing at this communication. Then it causes a readiness to face the challenges. This readiness make someone has an awareness. Beside that, it also makes apperceptions happen. Apperceptions are started by the sensation, a process when the stimuli enter to human sensors. After apperceptions process, there is perception, a process to translate the stimuli which enter to our sensors. Then, it will cause a concept about something appearing in our mind.
Concepts are divided into empiric concept and apriority concept. Empiric concept is a concept which appears after there are some valid proofs. On the other hand, apriority concept usually appears naturally without any stimulus. We have understood it, so it hasn’t to be defined again. For example, we don’t need to define the meaning of chair because we know exactly what the chair is. We don’t need to define the word “is” because this word was structured in our mind as the word used to accompany a word which is defined.
In mathematics learning, communication takes an important role. Recently, some mathematics learning still use one direction communication. Students are placed as object. They are like empty glasses which are ready to accept all information from the teachers. If these phenomena happen continuously, there will be unbalancing in learning process. The common mistake happens when the teacher teaches pure mathematics to the students. Whereas, they should be taught using school mathematics which is started from realistic activity. Therefore, as the next teachers, we should have a capability to change mathematics learning methods. We must use an interesting method to make the students aren’t trauma with math. In math, concept is begun from definition. Then, we get axiom. And we can find the theorem from the axiom. To build a concept, we have to think the quantity, quality, category and relation. These four consist of singular, partial and universal. Those all also are on our mind. So, we should develop them.
The conclusion from the discussion above is the world is traumatic. If you want to live, you have to face the traumatic and feel it as strongly as you can with your limit of tolerance. You have to feel what traumatic is like to finding the meaning of life perfectly.